Male Sexual Wellness Stem Cell Protocol A New Frontier in Men's Health
Male Sexual Wellness Stem Cell Protocol

Male Sexual Wellness Stem Cell Protocol: A New Frontier in Men's Health

Introduction to Male Aging and Andropause

Andropause, also known as male menopause, marks a critical stage in a man’s aging process, affecting not only reproductive function but also overall well-being. Unlike female menopause, the onset of andropause and the decline in testosterone levels vary considerably among individuals. Starting from the age of 30, testosterone gradually decreases, with visible signs appearing around the ages of 45-50 in approximately half of men, and by the age of 70, most will experience low levels of this essential hormone.


Body Changes and Health Complications in Men During Andropause

Adiposity and Body Composition
From the age of 30, a process known as adiposity begins, where lean mass is replaced by fat. This change affects body composition, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases due to the accumulation of visceral fat.

Reproductive Health, Prostatic Disorders, and Erectile Dysfunction
The quality of erections may decrease, which does not necessarily indicate erectile dysfunction, and reproductive capacity is reduced. From the age of 60, prostatic symptoms become more evident, affecting urination and the quality of erections, which may increase the risk of cardiovascular conditions.

Dermatological Changes
With age, dermatological problems such as androgenic alopecia and rosacea become more common. Signs of photoaging, including pronounced wrinkles and sagging, begin to appear, increasing the risk of skin cancer and exacerbating hair loss in predisposed individuals.

Other Symptoms
Men may experience depression, sleep disturbances, decreased libido, emotional changes, fatigue, increased body fat, circulatory problems, osteoporosis, and loss of genital hair. Although these symptoms may be vague and nonspecific, hormonal analysis can confirm testosterone deficiency.

Importance of Testosterone

Testosterone plays a crucial role not only in sexual health but also in cognition, muscle mass, bone health, and cardiovascular well-being, highlighting its importance in men’s overall health.

Treatment in Immunotherapy Regenerative Medicine

Our specialized protocol in Immunotherapy Regenerative Medicine focuses on restoring physiological processes affected by aging and andropause, promoting regeneration in the cardiovascular, metabolic, immune, and musculoskeletal systems, as well as in sexual function.

Hormonal Stimulation. Activate the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis to counteract the decrease in testosterone.

Systemic Regeneration. Promote regeneration in body systems affected by age.

Tegumentary Repair. Act locally on the scalp and face to improve the appearance and functionality of the tissue.

Gonadal Functional Improvement. Stimulate local regeneration to enhance sexual function.

Our Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy for Men

Plasmapheresis and Ozone Therapy
We employ advanced techniques such as plasmapheresis and ozone therapy to purify the body, eliminating toxins and improving microcirculation. This approach not only optimizes cellular function but also prepares the body to respond more effectively to subsequent treatments, significantly improving overall health.

Mesenchymal Stem Cells
At the core of our anti-aging treatment lies the administration of mesenchymal stem cells. These cells possess the remarkable ability to self-renew and differentiate into various types of tissues. They specifically target damaged or degenerating areas, promoting tissue regeneration, mitigating inflammation, and revitalizing the body’s systems affected by the passage of time.

Therapy with Serums and Oral Peptide Nutrition
We complement our protocol with serum therapy, an intravenous strategy for administering vitamins, minerals, and trace elements that strengthen cellular nutrition and combat free radicals. Additionally, oral peptide nutrition provides each patient with specific peptides supporting the regeneration of various organs or tissues, according to the individual needs of their body.

Innovations in Rejuvenation and Sexual Potency

Our comprehensive approach not only aims to revitalize men’s overall well-being but also pays special attention to the specific rejuvenation of critical areas, combining advanced regeneration techniques with treatments aimed at enhancing male sexual function.

Facial and Hair Rejuvenation

Through a combination of stem cells and platelet-rich plasma, supplemented with the option of fractional CO2 laser, our facial treatment seeks to restore skin vitality, promoting a younger and more dynamic appearance. This procedure increases firmness and improves the overall look of the skin, reducing visible signs of aging.

Hair Revitalization

We apply a specialized formula of stem cells and platelet-rich plasma directly to the scalp, stimulating hair growth and improving scalp health. This treatment is essential for those seeking to combat alopecia, offering a natural and effective solution for hair rejuvenation.

Enhancement of Sexual Potency (P-shot)

Understanding the importance of sexual function for male well-being, we offer a pioneering treatment that combines the application of stem cells and platelet-rich plasma. Designed to significantly improve local circulation and promote tissue regeneration, this procedure enhances erection quality and sexual function, providing outstanding results in ejaculation and erection processes.

Towards a Full and Healthy Life: Our Vision for Men's Anti-Aging Care

At Immunotherapy Regenerative Medicine, our dedication is focused on transforming the approach to male anti-aging treatment. We adopt a multidisciplinary and personalized method, not only to mitigate the visible and physical symptoms of aging and andropause but also to revitalize the overall vitality of men, thus enhancing their quality of life.

Through the most advanced solutions in regenerative medicine, we are committed to providing effective treatments tailored to each individual. Our goal is to ensure that every man can live their life fully, enriched with health, energy, and satisfaction, preparing them to confidently address the challenges presented by aging.

Frequently Asked Questions about Stem Cell Therapy for Male Sexual Wellness

If you have any questions or need to consult something, please call +1 800 218-2858.

Stem cells possess regenerative properties that can address the underlying causes of erectile dysfunction and fluctuations in libido, potentially restoring natural sexual function and libido.

Stem cell therapy enhances sexual wellness by rejuvenating and repairing tissues related to sexual function, which can improve blood flow, nerve response, and overall tissue health in the genital area.

It includes a thorough assessment and personalized treatment designed according to each patient’s needs and wellness goals, with a holistic approach to restoring sexual health.

Mesenchymal stem cells are used for their regenerative potential and compatibility, ensuring treatment efficacy and safety.


The protocol involves minimally invasive administration of allogeneic stem cells, performed by a specialized team to ensure precision and adherence to clinical standards, minimizing downtime and maximizing therapeutic potential. 

Have Any Queries?

Wish to get a free consultation or a quick checkup to identify the kind of treatment you need? Just give us a call or submit the form here.