Stem Cell Therapy for Alzheimer's Disease

What is Alzheimer's Disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that involves progressive brain atrophy, caused by the accumulation of beta-amyloid proteins in the temporal lobe. This buildup leads to inflammation, cell death, and deterioration of brain tissue, affecting critical functions such as language and memory. It is a degenerative disease that worsens over time, affecting approximately 6.5 million Americans aged 65 and older in 2022.

stem cell therapy for anti aging in puerto vallarta mexico

Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease

The most common symptoms include memory loss, confusion, language problems, impaired abstract thinking, disorientation, emotional instability, and difficulty performing previously mastered tasks. In advanced stages, patients may have difficulty swallowing, speaking, walking, and controlling their bladder. These symptoms vary in intensity, and not all patients experience the same symptoms at the same stages.

Factores de Riesgo

Although it is not definitively determined whether Alzheimer’s is hereditary, there is a higher risk if there are neurological or psychiatric conditions in the family. Environmental factors such as head trauma, high cholesterol levels, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and alcoholism can also contribute to the development of the disease.

Current Treatment Options

Currently, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s. Available therapies aim to improve cognitive function and slow the progression of the disease. These include logic games, math problems, and memory games. Some medications are used to control symptoms, stabilize neurotransmitters, and reduce the production of beta-amyloid. However, these treatments cannot guarantee that the disease will not become aggressive suddenly.

Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy for Alzheimer's at Immunotherapy Regenerative Medicine

How Do Mesenchymal Stem Cells Work?

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties, making them ideal for treating autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases. In the case of Alzheimer’s, MSCs can migrate to damaged areas of the brain, reduce inflammation, and promote the repair of nerve tissue.

Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy for Alzheimer’s

  • Reduction of Inflammation: MSCs help regulate the immune system and decrease inflammation in the brain, which is crucial for reducing the buildup of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles.
  • Cognitive Improvement: Stem cell therapy can improve cognitive function and memory by repairing damaged nerve cells and restoring brain function.
  • Quality of Life: The therapy aims not only to repair the brain but also to improve the overall quality of life of the patient, promoting the health of other organ systems.
  • Comprehensive Treatment: The combination of MSCs with other treatments such as exosomes and growth factors offers a comprehensive approach to combating Alzheimer’s and its symptoms.

Treatment Plan

  • Pre-consultation: Our patient coordinators start with questions to understand your medical history, preparing the consulting doctor with essential information for evaluation.

  • Virtual Medical Consultation: Schedule your first medical consultation, either virtually or in person, to establish a comprehensive understanding of your needs and expectations.

  • Personalized Treatment Protocol: Based on your evaluation, our medical specialists will develop a personalized treatment protocol to optimize your health, precisely matching your medical condition.

  • Treatment Scheduling: Our coordinators ensure a smooth and stress-free experience, from planning your itinerary to recommending accommodations and meals.

  • Comprehensive Treatment Initiation: The first day of treatment marks the beginning of your recovery journey. We start with plasmapheresis using a nanomembrane filter, an advanced technique exclusive to our protocol, preparing your body to receive the maximum benefit from subsequent therapies. We continue with a combination of regenerative therapies, including the administration of mesenchymal stem cells, to combat inflammation, regulate the immune system, and promote the repair and regeneration of damaged tissues.

  • Post-treatment Follow-up: After treatment, follow-ups with your patient coordinator and doctor will monitor your progress and offer medical advice to prolong the benefits of stem cells in your body.

Tratamientos Tradicionales y Efectos Secundarios

Como enfermedad autoinmune, el tratamiento del lupus se enfoca en mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente en lugar de curar la enfermedad.


  • Hidroxicloroquina: Previene que los anticuerpos ataquen el cuerpo, pero puede causar efectos secundarios como dolores de cabeza, mareos, diarrea, anorexia, náuseas, dolor abdominal y vómitos. El uso crónico puede llevar a supresión de la médula ósea, anemia, tiempos de sangrado prolongados, supresión inmunológica, inestabilidad emocional, visión borrosa, defectos del campo visual, escotomas, cambios en la percepción del color, sensibilidad a la luz, visión de halo, vértigo, tinnitus, arritmias cardíacas, hipertrofia ventricular, reflejos tendinosos reducidos y trastornos motores.
  • Corticosteroides: Reducen la inflamación, pero suprimen el sistema inmunológico, haciendo a los pacientes propensos a infecciones.

Stem Cell Therapy for Neurodegenerative Diseases Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions about Stem Cell Therapy for Alzheimer's Disease

Stem cells do not cure neurodegenerative diseases but can help reduce the severity of symptoms and slow the progression of the disease. At Immunotherapy Regenerative Medicine, our approach includes a multi-dose treatment plan tailored to the individual needs of the patient.

In our clinic, we use mesenchymal stem cells cultured in our laboratory. These cells are obtained from various tissues. Our treatments combine these cells with exosomes and other therapeutic elements to effectively treat neurodegenerative diseases.

Intrathecal-Intraarterial: Ideal for neurological conditions, this method allows stem cells to reach directly into the cerebrospinal fluid, spinal cord, and brain. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia in sterile conditions.
Intravenous: A safe and simple method to administer stem cells throughout the body without the need for anesthesia. Intravenous administration typically takes between 20 to 30 minutes.
Intramuscular (IM): Stem cells are injected directly into the muscle, a safe procedure that does not require anesthesia.

In our clinic, we cultivate mesenchymal stem cells in our own laboratory, allowing for a greater number of cells to be available and optimizing therapeutic results. This advanced approach enables more effective treatment of complex conditions. The regulations in Mexico allow us to perform these advanced treatments, which may not be available in other countries due to regulatory restrictions.

Results may become evident after the first doses, but this varies depending on the condition and its severity. The therapy typically requires multiple sessions over time to maintain and enhance the observed benefits.

Reserva Tu Cita Ahora

Contact Immunotherapy Regenerative Medicine today to schedule your consultation and discover how advanced stem cell therapy can help manage neurodegenerative diseases and improve your quality of life.